City of Bend
Home MenuNoise Abatement
As our community grows, residential noise sensitive areas near the airport continue to expand. Please study the noise sensitive areas depicted on the Fly Friendly handout (effective 12/1/16 8:00 AM.) The recommended noise abatement in the Fly Friendly program is here to help preserve quality of life in our community and represent minimal restrictions on aircraft arriving and departing Bend Municipal Airport.
Filing Noise Complaints
For your convenience and to ensure that reports are received and tabulated by airport management, noise complaints may be reported by one of the following methods:
U.S. Mail:
Address correspondence to
Bend Municipal Airport
PO Box 431
Bend, OR 97709
For letter complaints, please include as much information as possible including: date and time of occurrence, type aircraft (prop, jet, etc.), number of engines, aircraft number (if possible), direction of flight, color of aircraft and your location at the time of the incident. Also include your name, address and best way to get in touch with you by phone and/or email.
Safety Issues
Reports on safety issues must be made to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) at (503) 615-3200.