City of Bend
Home Menu27th Street Sewer Line Segment - Construction Complete!
A Portion of the SE Interceptor (SEI) Project
SEI is an underground 30-inch gravity sewerline that will convey wastewater to the Plant Interceptor pipe in northeast Bend, which flows to the Water Reclamation Facility. Construction of the SEI is divided into several phases and schedules.
This segment of the SEI (2S &3) is primarily located within the 27th Street corridor beginning at Neff Road and running south to Reed Market Road. Included within this phase is a section on Reed Market between 27th Street and Camelot Place on the south end.
The added service that the SEI provides includes relief to capacity issues in southwest, southeast, northeast, and central areas in Bend, the ability to decommission up to 24 sewer pump stations, and creates availability of gravity sewer service to a significant number of unsewered properties.
Contact Us:
Eric Forster, Project Manager