City of Bend
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Welcome to the City of Bend Budget Division. We hope to provide users of this web-page with the opportunity to not only view the adopted budget but also to discover how the budget is developed and what opportunities exist for citizens to provide input into the process.
Watch the Spanish version of the budget video here.
Budget Preparation: The budget process followed in the preparation of the City of Bend's budget complies with local budget law established by the State of Oregon. Oregon's Local Budget Law does two important things:
It establishes standard procedures for preparing, presenting and administering the budget.
It requires citizen involvement in the preparation of the budget and public disclosure of the budget before its formal adoption.
To give the public ample opportunity to participate in the budgeting process, Local Budget Law requires that a budget officer be appointed and a budget committee be formed.
Current News and Notices: Budget Committee meetings are typically held in the Spring of each year. Meeting and public notices for any budget related activities, such as supplemental budgets, public hearings, budget committee meetings and citizen involvement opportunities can be found at the City Council Agenda and Packet Materials web-page.
Budget Information: Copies of adopted budgets, quarterly financial reports, budget presentations, and other reports prepared by the Budget Division can be found on the Finance Department Financial Reports and Presentations page.